Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Marie Antoinette

Finally got to see this last week. It was showing as part of http://www.moonlight.com.au/ and as the dates are set in stone you have to hope it doesn't rain on your parade.
What put me off seeing this @ the movies earlier was the noisy trailer. Thankfully the modern music was evenly and well placed(apart from the horrible track playing after she shags the Swede) and not as omnipresent as the trailer indicated. Beautiful film with Sofia Coppola's paw prints all over it. Not a history lesson(thank god)...not much of a plot but it really doesn't need one. If you were disappointed that you didn't see her get the chop at the end of the film,what can i say...you're a moron =)
Fave part: When her pussy posse comes to stay at her fantastic "little"retreat...

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